Eric and Cecilia were searching for the right design-build people to solve their home’s biggest problem: the kitchen. They originally hired an architect to create a design. However, after seeing the plan, it did not satisfy them. They came to us for a hands-on, in-depth design and construction process. Their home was originally built in the early 1900s and left a lot to be desired. Typical for a house built at the turn of the last century, it was not up to a modern living standard. Roughly 10’ x 10’ with a door or opening on every wall, cabinet space was severely limited. As it was, the kitchen was just not functional.

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Gutting the Kitchen and Removing a Load-Bearing Wall

Upon entering the kitchen, the sink, dishwasher, and most of the counter space were immediately to the right, all fitting into a 5’ x 5’ corner. Across the room, slid into a corner, was the gas range, and adjacent to the range was the refrigerator slotted between the rear entry and a window. The remodel started with gutting the existing space and tearing down a load-bearing wall. We installed a flush LVL header and LVL joists running in either direction to carry the load. It ensured an uninterrupted ceiling.

A Remodeled Kitchen Design True to the Home’s Original Character

Our stunning remodeled kitchen design flipped the kitchen around, leaving nothing the same. We moved the sink and dishwasher across the room, removed two windows, reframed, and replaced them with a stunning wall window to take advantage of the view. Our new window floods the room with natural light. The refrigerator was moved, replacing the old sink and dishwasher. We added a functional and large custom pantry cabinet. We replaced the old gas range with a modern induction cooktop and a wall oven/microwave.


Improving the Flow and Increasing the Natural Light

To encourage interaction between the kitchen and dining room, we created an arched countertop-level passthrough. This design element helps to blur the line between the rooms and lets light from the remodeled kitchen brighten up the dining room. For some added seating in the space, the couple wanted an island perfect for family and friends to gather when entertaining. We painted the island a deep nautical blue to pay homage to the vibrancy of the time when the home was built.

The Result of the Kitchen Remodel

Completely transformed, our expertly remodeled kitchen design has significantly updated this formerly unfunctional and dated kitchen, turning it from a neglected afterthought into the vibrant entertainment center of the home! With their beautiful new kitchen, Eric and Cecilia can finally enjoy a custom-designed space to meet their family's unique needs and enhance their everyday living experience!




Project Lead

Matt Young

Removing the load bearing wall was a major intervention, and it provided both the needed space and the bright open floor plan. The arched pass-thru to the dining room was the perfect classical element to provide an open floor plan balanced against the age of this beautiful home.
— Abe Degnan, President