Our client Mary requested an exterior home makeover to provide character, texture, and color to her standard builder-model home. She also desired a shaded and bug-free screened porch, with some additional decking and a stairway to the back yard. Our team performed an exterior makeover that took a somewhat dated home with average vinyl lap siding and brought it forward to contemporary design standards.

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A Cohesive Color Palette Results In A Better Design

The green shingle roof was almost new, so it became a precedent to use for the coordination of other colors on the home. The green shutters, entry door and garage doors provide punctuation, while the varied texture of shake shingles, horizontal and vertical siding, and stone create a new look. A small amount of cable rail at the front porch provides maximum viewing of the new stone facade, makes the design slightly contemporary, and ties into the cable rail used in the back of the house.

Problems Encountered and Solved

During demolition, it was discovered that this house, even though built in the modern era of housewrap, was built without it. Consequently, we found rotted corners, ring joists, sills, and door frames. The damage was repaired, new flashings applied, and doors replaced. Housewrap was applied to the entire home using current standards, helping to ensure the long-term integrity of this home.

There were no areas of the job upon which they fell short of our expectations - in fact, that is what I like about the company - they are always reliable and do excellent work.
— Mary M, Windsor WI

A New Look For An Older Home

The front of the home presents and entirely new character. accommodation of both dark and light colored siding, punctuated by vertical siding and shakes, transforms the once bland book of the home. The green colored roof shingles became a defining design feature around which the rest of the color palette was built. Dark horizontal lap siding compliments lighter vertical siding and shakes, while green painted doors and shutters tie into the roof. The entire house is grounded with new stone masonry wrapping the front porch and garage.

The result is a charming facade with curb appeal and the added advantages of low maintenance, and aging-in-place attributes that will help to keep Mary safe for years to come.

Dave Duewel Senior Designer

Senior Designer

Dave Duewel

Project Lead

Master Lead Carpenter

[I was most satisfied with] 1. The thorough analysis of the project, 2. Giving us multiple options/ choices to address our needs, 3. Finally, following through in a timely manner with excellent work to complete the projects.
— Mary M, Windsor WI