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Shower Wall Finishes For A Bathroom Remodeling Project

Establishing Your Aesthetic With Shower Wall Finishes

Along with shower enclosure shapes, and shower fixtures, the materials you use on your walls is a decision you should give thought to when remodeling a bathroom. These elements are crucial to the functionality of your shower. In this article, we will look at the shower wall finishes available. While there is an element of functionality to wall finishes (preventing water from damaging the walls, for example), shower wall finishes are an aesthetic element that can help define your design style.

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Your shower wall finishes can make or break your bathroom, room aesthetics, and budget. Here are nine shower wall finishes to meet your needs and fit your budget.

Choosing Your Shower Wall Materials

Choosing shower wall finishes requires an understanding of your options. You start by defining your needs and establishing your remodeling budget. Do you want low-maintenance walls, or are you more comfortable with more frequent cleaning? You should also consider durability, water resistance, design, and installation.

Nine Types of Popular Shower Wall Finishes

1. Acrylic

Acrylic shower wall finishes look like tiles and surpass them in terms of functionality. If you install a large acrylic panel sized to fit your shower wall, you'll never need to worry about mold or moisture issues. If you choose separate acrylic pieces, you can prevent future problems by using a durable seal for the panel's seams. Acrylic shower walls are highly durable, resisting cracks, scratches, stains, and chips. They are an affordable, easy-to-clean option, perfect if you prefer a low-maintenance material that looks great.

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2. Fiberglass

More durable than glass tiles, fiberglass shower walls typically come as a large sheet ready to be cut to fit your shower enclosure. They are thick, soundproof, and more affordable than glass tiles while providing excellent water resistance. However, it should be noted that fiberglass doesn't seal tightly with adjacent walls and ceilings. They are also bulky and prone to scratching.

3. Glass Tiles

Glass tiles come in a range of colors, textures, and sizes. They create an elegant look that's better than acrylic panels or fiberglass. They are a little more expensive than acrylic panels/ If you are partial to clean, high-quality, aesthetics, and low-maintenance shower wall finishes, glass tiles are an excellent choice.

4. Ceramic Tiles

If you love a project, ceramic tiles are a good option. They are easy to obtain and come in a many different designs, textures, and sizes. Ceramic shower tiles add sophistication to any bathroom design and are perfect if you want inexpensive, natural-looking stones in your bathroom. Ceramic tiles are affordable and water-resistant but can grow mold and mildew as they age. Ceramic tiles also can handle harsh cleaners, so you can deal with mold or mildew growth without worry.

5. Porcelain

Porcelain can deliver a classic look to your bathroom without the expense of natural stone. Porcelain tiles are considered a higher-end version of ceramic tile. They provide outstanding durability and water resistance despite their delicate appearance. If you are seek a timeless bathroom design and an easy-to-repair shower wall, porcelain is a great choice. The only downside is that they tend to get slippery when wet, so if you use them for flooring, choose textured tiles.

6. Natural Stone

Nothing beats natural stone walls for an elegant, luxurious look. Natural stones like granite, onyx, marble, or travertine can last decades and come in many colors, styles, and sizes. Natural stone is expensive and requires precise installation. If you have the budget, it is worth the cost when you factor in stone's lifespan and appearance. If choosing natural stone for your shower wall, make sure your bathroom can handle the extra weight.

7. Single-Sheet Plastic

Single-sheet plastic is one of the most inexpensive and easy-to-install shower wall finishes. Single-sheet plastics are easy to clean, highly waterproof, and very lightweight. They come in many colors and patterns, but they can look tacky. However, if you value functionality or are finishing a spare bathroom on a budget you can benefit from single-sheet plastic walls. 

8. Laminated Wall Panels

Laminated wall panels suit homeowners who do not like single sheet plastic but can't afford ceramic tiles. They're easy to cut, install, and look as authentic as stone or marble with matte finishes. A downside is that they cost more than acrylic shower walls.

9. Solid Surface

Solid surface shower walls take a little time to install. They typically come in ready-to-assemble kits, making them ideal for homeowners on a budget or limited time to allot for professional installation. Solid surface walls come in many patterns, colors, and design options but can lower your home's resale value. Solid-surface panels are easy to clean and convenient. However, they are difficult to repair if they become damaged or cracked.

Creating Your Ideal Shower Design

Your choice of shower wall finishes is a factor in establishing your bathroom's style and aesthetic. While they offer functionality, your shower walls are primarily aesthetic in nature. 

When shopping for your shower wall finish, you'll see acrylic, glass, fiberglass, ceramic, porcelain, stone, plastic, and solid surfaces. However, there are plenty of other options available to you. The best course of action? Educate yourself on the shower wall finishes available. You can go to big box stores and specialty tile shops to get an idea of what's available but a remodeling professional will be able to provide you the best solutions for your needs. If you are still unsure what the best choice for your unique needs might be and you live in Greater Madison, Wisconsin, please schedule a call to speak with our design team.

If you're considering a bathroom remodeling project, let us show you all your options for shower wall finishes. If you live in the Greater Madison area, call the experts at Degnan Design-Build-Remodel at (608) 846-5963. Let us help you to take your home to the next level of comfort, design, and function! Ready to learn more? We're always happy to answer your questions.

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