Dream about that next project...and please stay in touch!

Do you have a project in mind and just need someone to talk to? Maybe you have an idea for a project that won't happen for two or three years down the road. Or maybe you just want to know a bit more about our company and our team. We would love to stay in touch with you. You can book an appointment to discuss any of these things! Chose an option below.

New Address:
6562 Lake Rd, Suite 4
Windsor, WI 53598


(608) 846-5963

Stay in touch!

You will learn how we help our clients solve the problems of their home. We will email you twice per month: First with our How-To Blogs, and second with our professional photography showcasing current projects.

The Degnan Design-Build-Remodel Team

Book an appointment. Let’s talk about your ideas and decide if it’s time to start moving forward.