Coronavirus Safety Precautions On The Home Remodeling Jobsite

Our Commitment Coronavirus Safety During Home Remodeling

No doubt, 2020 was a challenging year. From lockdowns and homeschooling to remote work and our essential workers' strength, 2020 was an unprecedented challenge for all of us. At Degnan Design-Build-Remodel, as an essential business, we've been working throughout the pandemic and taking the appropriate precautions while working hard to keep our workers and customers safe. 

Meet The Degnan Design-Build-Remodel Team

The construction industry is heavily regulated, and we have several organizations that help set the standards and safety protocols we all follow. The National Association of Home Builders is a leading member of the Construction Industry Safety Coalition and, along with OSHA, has been committed to protecting the health and safety of America's workers and workplaces during these unprecedented times.

Early in the pandemic and throughout the crisis, these organizations both have issued a series of industry-specific alerts and created detailed plans outlining the steps that every employer and employee can take to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19. 

Here at Degnan Design-Build-Remodel, we're committed to keeping our customers and team members safe during this unprecedented time. We have implemented plans to prevent worker exposure to coronavirus.

We have several unique ways of helping keep our employees and our clients safe. One is use of the Bipolar Ionization system. We have these systems installed in our office and at the home of each of our employees. Additionally, these units are installed in every clients home during construction, as long as their furnace is compatible. You can learn more about the system here:

Furthermore, we filter the air in our workspace using a HEPA filter. This system not only fights dust during construction, but it also helps filter the air for health and safety. When we are able to use the system to create negative pressure, it helps to further isolate your home from our work area. Read more about the BuildClean by clicking here.

Coronavirus Preparedness and Response

We work to adhere to the recommendations as issued by OSHA and the NAHB throughout the pandemic to reduce the risk of exposure to coronavirus for our employees, and our customers and their families. These precautions include:

• Requiring our workers to remain at home if they are sick. Our employees have familiarized themselves with the symptoms of COVID–19 

• Requiring team members to wear masks to prevent transmission of the virus.

• Encouraging and enforcing the normal control measures, including PPE, to protect workers from job-related hazards associated with our industry.

• Advise our team members to avoid physical contact with customers and team members and to maintain physical distancing whenever possible.

Read About The Degnan Design-Build-Remodel Process

We also encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes, and promoting personal hygiene on the job site. This includes providing alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not readily available. 

Job Site Cleaning and Hygiene

Along with personal hygiene guidelines, OSHA also issued a series of job site cleaning protocols. Here at Degnan, we have been working hard to follow them to keep our projects safe and virus free.

In-person meetings (including toolbox talks and safety meetings) are necessary on most job sites. We work to keep them as short as possible, limit the number of workers in attendance, and maintain social distancing. 

We Remain Diligent

We are constantly reviewing, updating, and improving our safety practices and standards. At Degnan Design-Build-Remodel, we have reviewed and follow OSHA's workplace classifications for potential coronavirus exposure. Construction work is generally considered “low risk” for viral transmission. However, some tasks involve working with others in proximity closer than 6 feet. As a result, we've implemented a face-covering policy. This, along with our policy and procedure for maintaining hygiene on the job site, has helped us maintain our employees' health and safety and the health and safety of their families and our customers. 

If you live in the greater Madison, Wisconsin area and are considering a remodeling project, give the award-winning design team at Degnan Design-Build-Remodel a call at (608) 846-5963. We're always happy to answer your questions, including any you might have about our response to COVID-19. Let us help you make the right choices to meet your needs and fit your budget. Call today for a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your project.

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