Degnan Design-Build-Remodel

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Obscure Glass

What is Obscure Glass?

Are you in the process of building or remodeling? Do you feel like there is a never ending list of decisions that you have to make? It can be tough, especially when you aren't familiar with some of the terms. In this week's blog, we are going to answer one question that you may currently be faced with. What is obscure glass? According to, "obscure glass is glass that transmits light but does not allow a view of objects on the other side, such as ground glass or frosted glass; translucent glass."  

Obscure Glass Applications

Why should you choose obscure glass? In addition to the privacy that it provides, it is beautiful to look at. Obscure glass is commonly found in bathrooms, where a window is used to allow an extra flow of light into the space. The textured glass, and lack of visibility through it, provide enough privacy to make a window possible. Glass shower doors (as seen on the left) are another common use for textured glass. Have you seen kitchens where only one cabinet was left transparent to showcase the home owner's favorite dishes or glasses? Once again, obscured glass.  As you can probably imagine, there are many creative ways that you can use obscure glass. If you would like to see some more applications, click here.

 So Many Textures

Along with the many applications for this product, there are also many choices of textures, even colors. Obscure glass covers everything from lightly frosted to actually containing patterned imprints. With so many options, how do you choose which one is right for your project? Here are some general guidelines for what style of obscure glass might fit in your home.

Frosted Glass - this glass is suitable for a more modern space. Because of it's sandblasted texture and translucent quality, it lends a sleek, cool effect to a room.

Textured Glass - this glass is molded or embossed with pattern for aesthetic appeal, and is suitable for all styles. Many options are available; ribbed, pebbled, beveled, patterned, grooved and more. It is a popular choice not only because it is interesting to look at, but also because it tends to disguise smearing and streaking.

Seeded Glass - this seeded glass is dated back to colonial times. The texture is formed by tiny bubbles - thus the reason for its name. Seeded glass accents cottage, shaker and traditional style homes beautifully.

Leaded Glass - although, not commonly used for bathrooms due to its transparent quality, leaded glass is an elegant accent to windows or cabinetry. It has an artisanal quality and appears natural in a variety of settings ranging from Gothic to Craftsman.

We hope that this has helped give you some guidance in determining whether or not obscure glass is right for your home. Remember, if you need help designing a space that reflects you and your needs, contact us, and together we can come up with something that is